


Saxon extension function with XOM Element

Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5717429 Legacy Poster: Stephan Kübler (bridges01)

Dear Saxon developers, i tested a Saxon extension function that expects a XOM-Node. My test is similar to the JDOMExample. When the processor tries to call the extension i get the follwing error: "net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Error in call to extension function {public static nu.xom.Node com.dcx.egvo.dioconverter.xslt.SaxonDiogenesExtensions.resolveXLink(nu.xom.Element,java.lang.String) throws java.lang.Exception}: Extension function required class nu.xom.Element; supplied value of class could not be converted". Can you help me? Is there another possibility using another XML-Api than XOM? Kind regards

Replies (2)

RE: Saxon extension function with XOM Element - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5717463 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

It looks a bit like this bug: which although it's written in DOM terms, actually is a problem affecting all external object models. Are you using (which should clear that bug)? Alternatively try running without whitespace stripping. Michael Kay Saxonica

RE: Saxon extension function with XOM Element - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5717991 Legacy Poster: Stephan Kübler (bridges01)

Ah, ok. I used Now with the new version the problem seems to be solved! Thank you very much for your quick response!


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