


method=html version=3.2 no longer supported?

Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #5005980 Legacy Poster: Chapman Flack (jcflack)

Hi, Serialization with method='html' version='3.2' works in 8.9 but seems to have been dropped some time before - now it gives net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Unsupported HTML version: 3.2 HTML 3.2 is (still!) the version implemented in Swing components, so if you are serializing something to be used in a Swing label or tooltip or editor pane, to be safe that's the version you would specify if you could. I suppose I'm too late to suggest this, but maybe serializing as HTML 3.2 should be allowed until some time after Java RFE 4296022 gets resolved (it's been open since 1999 and now seems to be projected for Java 7.0. sigh). What's the earliest HTML version that can now be specified for serialization? Assuming it is passed a tree that is structurally 3.2-compliant, can I be confident that serialization cannot introduce non-3.2-ness? Or are there differences (such as entity names unknown in 3.2) that it might introduce? -Chap

Replies (1)

RE: method=html version=3.2 no longer support - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #5006099 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Saxon in the past simply ignored the requested version for the HTML output method: the serialization was never version-sensitive. But the rules and conformance tests are getting stricter, and they say that when you ask for a version of HTML that isn't "supported" by the processor, the processor must raise the error SESU0013: see It's not absolutely clear what "supported" means (it's a word I hate), but one would expect for example that a different set of elements are recognized as having empty content models, a different set of attributes are recognized as URI-valued, and so on. I think that if you request version="4.0", you are very unlikely to get output that is unacceptable. Michael Kay


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