


.net 2.0 compatibility

Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4984208 Legacy Poster: Dennis Brothers (dbrothers)

I'm contemplating using the Saxon-B .net stuff in a project, but it will have to play in a .net 2.0 environment. IIRC, I can call 1.1 stuff (e.g., the Saxon .net API) from 2.0, but can I call 2.0 assemblies from within Saxon? Thanks - - Dennis Brothers

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RE: .net 2.0 compatibility - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4985836 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

As far as I'm aware there shouldn't be any problems, but I haven't done a great deal of testing in this area so there could be unpleasant surprises. Please try it, and if you find any problems let me know.

RE: .net 2.0 compatibility - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4986115 Legacy Poster: Dennis Brothers (dbrothers)

I've got the first part working, running a Saxon transform from a .net 2.0 application. It's Memorial Day weekend here in the States, so I had to (reluctantly) put the project aside to get the pool ready so the grandkids could swim, then grilling burgers 'n dogs for the assembled multitudes. I'll play with the second part (calling .net 2.0 stuff from Saxon) this evening, and report back. - Dennis Brothers

RE: .net 2.0 compatibility - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4986598 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

It's a public holiday in England too, which means it's pouring with rain and blowing gale-force winds. No barbecues here. Fortunately I can take time off when the sun shines, not when the government tells me to...

RE: .net 2.0 compatibility - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4987600 Legacy Poster: Dennis Brothers (dbrothers)

It worked! I'm really pleased by your implementation, especially returning collections as sequences. Your documentation seemed a little vague at first, but once the basic structure "clicked", I was off and running. This is an extraordinarily powerful capability. Thanks - - Dennis Brothers


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