XOM as source for XQueryEvaluator
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Added by Anonymous almost 17 years ago
Legacy ID: #4854277 Legacy Poster: M (mjschehl)
This question might be better to ask the XOM help, but on hopes that Saxon has something to help, I am asking here. I want to use XOM as source for XQueryEvaluator. Ideally, I should be able to do the folowing, but XOM doesn't provide a public XOMSource. Is there anything I can do easily to use XOM as an input for XQueryEvaluator? XQueryEvaluator xq = exp.load(); xq.setSource(new XOMSource(doc));
Legacy ID: #4855321 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Create a s9api DocumentBuilder, then use xq.setSource(builder.wrap(doc)); Make sure that saxon9-xom.jar is on the classpath. Michael Kay http://www.saxonica.com/
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