


Compiling Saxon

Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4380045 Legacy Poster: jbeuree (jbeuree)

Hi, We use an older version of Saxon (8.7.1) and are running into a couple bugs. There's some issues upgrading to the newer versions with our application so instead we're hoping to do some of the debugging ourselves. The sources are available but don't appear to come with any compile/ant scripts. Is there documentation available somewhere to help with compiling Saxon? Thanks, Jerry

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RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4380198 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The simple answer is no, sorry, there isn't. The scripts that I use to build the product have too many dependencies on my own development environment and I've never found time to productise them. The best approach is: (a) load the code into your IDE (b) either add the libraries Saxon depends on (JDOM, XOM, DOM, DOM4J, etc...) or remove the packages that contain the dependencies - most of them are localized to one package which the main body of code doesn't refer to When you've got rid of the unresolved references to libraries, building the JAR file should be fairly straightforward.

RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4380319 Legacy Poster: jbeuree (jbeuree)

Would it be possible to get your scripts anyway? We could look at cleaning them up to remove some of the dependencies and hopefully get them closer to being productized. We'd also need them to see what versions of the 3rd party libs you're using.

RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4380604 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

OK, I've added the build.xml script used for (and an IKVMC script that it calls) to the "extensions" tracker on this site.

RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4756062 Legacy Poster: Peter B. West (pbw)

On SuSE 10.3, running jdk1.6.0_04 I'm trying to build the latest saxon from the latest9.0/bj svn repo, using the saxon-resources9.0.0.1 build.xml as a guide. I have removed the dotnet package, and in I have replaced all of the /DOTNETONLY/ tokens with //. In the s9api package, I still have a problem with SchemaManager. I would be tempted to eliminate the package, but the saxonb9j distribution includes a saxon9-s9api.jar, which has a SchemaManager class. SchemaManager has these imports: import com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema; import com.saxonica.schema.SchemaModelLoader; import com.saxonica.schema.SchemaModelSerializer; They look like saxon proprietary classes, but how are they being resolved in saxon9-s9api.jar? Peter

RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4756211 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Your simplest approach is probably just to comment out the imports and the two methods importComponents and exportComponents that depend on them. The code works because SchemaManager never gets loaded when running Saxon-B and therefore it doesn't matter that it has unresolved dependencies. However, for the convenience of people compiling Saxon-B, I probably ought to get rid of these references, which I can do easily enough by the usual mechanism of having a dummy method in Configuration that's overridden in SchemaAwareConfiguration. Incidentally, if you fancy writing up a guide to compiling Saxon and including it in the Wiki, I'm sure other people would find it helpful - even if it's just an account of the way that you did it. It's quite hard for me to do because I've got the task so automated already! Michael Kay

RE: Compiling Saxon - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4760408 Legacy Poster: Peter B. West (pbw)

I'm in the process of writing an entry for compiling with NetBeans.


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