


sort collations for Greek

Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4336909 Legacy Poster: CHY-Consultants (chy-consultants)

We are composing documents that, although they are translated to Greek, have some English technical terms in them. My index, as a result, has both Greek and English letters in it. Currently the English sorts to the beginning. We want it to sort to the end. Is there a way to make this change. We are running Saxon8 on a Unix platform (Java) Steve

Replies (1)

RE: sort collations for Greek - Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4337031 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

In principle the answer is yes: you can write your own Java RuleBasedCollator class called say com.chy.CollateEnglishAfterGreek, and nominate it as your chosen collation using collation="" on the xsl:sort element (assuming this is XSLT). More details at Rather than writing a RuleBasedCollator from scratch, you might try writing a simpler Comparator that does a one-to-one substitution of characters to get them into an ordering where codepoint collation (or English language collation, or Greek language collation) will give acceptable results. Michael Kay Saxonica


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