


saxon and Java6 - performances issue (memory)

Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4154571 Legacy Poster: L Chatelain (lchatelain)

Hello, I am using Saxon8.8J to transform (very) large XML files (between 40MB and 400MB so far..) with XSLT2.0. I recently updated Saxon to the latest patch (Saxon as well as Java to Java 6 (I was using jdk1.5.0_10, both being 64bit versions). While my transformation are running faster with the last patch of Saxon (~20%) with no significant differences in memory usage (for a given transformation, it is slightly better for some input files and worse for others), I have some memory issues when using Java6. In order to run the transformation, I need to allocate to the JVM a maximum heap size of as much as twice the size I needed with Java5 for some of the files (300MB -> 600MB for one of my files and 600MB -> 1200MB for another one, those being the worst cases so far..). I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced similar problems or have an idea of what might be causing these differences. Thank you! Loana

Replies (2)

RE: saxon and Java6 - performances issue (mem - Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4154586 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Thanks for raising the enquiry. I don't know the answer myself (I haven't yet installed Java 6), and unfortunately this forum isn't a very good way of reaching other Saxon users - most people only visit if they have a question to ask. You might get a better response if you subscribe and post to the saxon-help mailing list - there are a number of users there who have a fairly deep knowledge of Java issues. Michael Kay

RE: saxon and Java6 - performances issue (mem - Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4154695 Legacy Poster: L Chatelain (lchatelain)

Thank you for your quick answer, I will do that


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