


Directory paths name too long?

Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3821856 Legacy Poster: Yunus (yaswat)

I have two shell scripts more or less the same except for the fact that the location of the files differ. Here is the first: java \ net.sf.saxon.Transform -novw \ -o /export/home/epp/data/reference_conversion/working/jpse/input/jpse0175.htm
/export/home/epp/conf/reference_conversion/xsl/HTML/XML2HTML_JPSE.xsl And here is the second: java \ net.sf.saxon.Transform -novw \ -o /export/home/epp/data/reference_conversion/working/jpse/processing/batch/jpse0175.htm
/export/home/epp/conf/reference_conversion/xsl/HTML/XML2HTML_JPSE.xsl The input files are present in both directories for the input file argument. The only difference in the paths between the two scripts is jpse/input and jpse/processing/batch. I am using Solaris and I checked permissions on the files and directories and they are no different. I use Saxon 8.7.1. So could the path be too long in the second example? When running the second script I get the following error and none for the first as it runs to completion and creates an output file jpse0175.htm: Error export Transformation failed: Run-time errors were reported

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RE: Directory paths name too long? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3821891 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm sorry, but not having a Solaris system I can't offer much help with this. It looks as if one of the filenames is being treated as a URI, but I can't think why. See if prefixing with "file://" helps. Or do a cd to /export/home/epp/data/reference_conversion and use relative paths. Experiment using ">output" (at the end of the line) rather than "-o output" to see if that makes a difference.

RE: Directory paths name too long? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3822018 Legacy Poster: Yunus (yaswat)

Not sure what you mean by using file://, but I did try the following: java net.sf.saxon.Transform -novw jpse0175.xml /export/home/epp/conf/reference_conversion/xsl/HTML/XML2HTML_JPSE.xsl >jpse0175.htm I copied the stylesheet to the /export/home/epp/data/reference_conversion/working/jpse/processing/batch directory and tried this too: java net.sf.saxon.Transform -novw jpse0175.xml XML2HTML_JPSE.xsl >jpse0175.htm I get the same error message with both of the above.

RE: Directory paths name too long? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3822047 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Sorry, I've run out of ideas. It's something specific to your Solaris environment, which I know nothing about.

RE: Directory paths name too long? - Added by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3826429 Legacy Poster: Yunus (yaswat)

I finally worked this out. Yes the reason was partially due to the absence of file:/// and the inner workings of the java 1.5 interpreter. After downgrading to a 1.4 instance of java and running the conversion again it gave a much more precise error message. The culprit was the absence of a catalog entry for a dtd referenced in the xml file. Once I added that entry to the catalog, things worked fine. This is not appropriate for this forum, but I would like to add that I would have expected java 1.5 to give a proper error message.


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