


Getting Saxon .Net to work in Delphi 2005

Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3785869 Legacy Poster: Grismar (grismar)

Hello, I'm trying to get Saxon .Net (Saxon-SA) to work in Delphi 2005. However, if I try to reference the assemblies (no matter which one), I get flooded with errors like [Error] E2421 Imported identifier 'name' conflicts with 'name' in 'BaseKeyAgreementParty'. Also, the documentation seems to suggest I only need to reference the saxonapi.dll assembly, to get to the Saxon.Api.Processor, but from the Delphi 2005 IDE (and from the Reflection tool, for exploring assemblies) this assembly doesn't seem to contain anything in the Saxon.Api namespace (in fact, it seems empty). If anyone has hints or a working example of how to get Saxon to work in Delphi 2005, it would be much appreciated. I may be making some beginner's mistakes here, apologies for wasting your time if this is the case...

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RE: Getting Saxon .Net to work in Delphi 2005 - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3786503 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm afraid I'm a bit of a newcomer to .NET myself, and I've never used Delphi. There's nothing here that rings any bells. The saxonapi.dll should contain all the code in the Saxon.Api namespace.

RE: Getting Saxon .Net to work in Delphi 2005 - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3787009 Legacy Poster: Grismar (grismar)

It's probably more of a Delphi issue than it is a Saxon issue, though I expect more Delphi users will be having the same problem with Saxon. When I refer to the saxonapi.dll from a C# project (in the Borland IDE) I can use it, but somehow it fails to work in Delphi .Net projects. I'll be sure to post a reply if I get it to work...

RE: Getting Saxon .Net to work in Delphi 2005 - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3788841 Legacy Poster: Grismar (grismar)

Well, some additional information on this issue: the Saxon installation is working, all the command line tools perform admirably. However, in both Delphi 2005 and Delphi 2006 I am experiencing the same problem, both with Delphi and C# projects. Although the Delphi 2006 build no longer reports all the duplicate definitions (which seem to have something to do with case-sensitivity), it still terminates with a compiler internal error. Just adding a reference to the saxonapi.dll assembly and hitting compile is enough to provoke this. In a C# project (in both 2005 and 2006) I can compile a project I've added the saxonapi.dll reference to, but if I do pretty much anything else, I get a "specified cast is not valid" error. So, my plea now extends to anyone who has managed to get Saxon for .Net to work with any version of the BDS (Borland Development Studio). If you have, please post how you managed to do so. Thanks, Grismar.


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