


document(w/key) not recognising last 16 nodes

Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3412495 Legacy Poster: surfingmoose (surfingmoose)

weird title huh? Here are more details. using saxon 8.5.1 main document album.xml is 26494kb (638748 lines) called document albumcovers.xml 104kb with 1448 <cover> elements output to output/albums.xml structure is <covers> <cover id="1">Galaxie500-OnFire.jpg</cover> ... </covers> xsl calling the albumcovers.xml <!-- create a key --> <xsl:key name="k_Cover" match="cover" use="@id" /> <xsl:template name="element_Cover"> <!-- get the current @id value --> <xsl:variable name="l_ID" select="albumdata/albumid/@unformatted" /> <!-- output cd:cover with the value of the album cover --> <cd:cover uri="{document('../xmlDocs/albumCovers.xml')/key('k_Cover', $l_ID)}" /> </xsl:template> The problem is on output the last 16 cover nodes are not recognised. I even moved the last 16 nodes to the top of the albumCovers.xml and still the same problem. here is the command line I am using I've even changed -ds to -dt as an experiment java -Xmx125000000 -jar saxon.jar -ds -l albums.xml albums.xsl Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sufing Moose

Replies (3)

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RE: document(w/key) not recognising last 16 n - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3412908 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm sorry, but there's not enough information here for me to investigate. To determine whether it's an error in your code or an error in Saxon, I need to be able to reproduce the problem. If at all possible please try to see if you can reproduce it using a smaller input document size. If not, you'll have to find some way of sending me the full dataset. Michael Kay By the way, I may be old fashioned, but I'm more inclined to help people who are prepared to tell me their real name. If you conceal your name, then I tend to wonder what else you might be concealing.

RE: document(w/key) not recognising last 16 n - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3414021 Legacy Poster: surfingmoose (surfingmoose)

My bad, The updated albumcovers.xml was being put in the wrong directory. I should have paid more attention to the updated access -> xml docs and their final destination. Michael thanks for the quick response to the boy who cried wolf and sorry for not doing more due diligence. Michael Kay wrote: "By the way, I may be old fashioned, but I'm more inclined to help people who are prepared to tell me their real name. If you conceal your name, then I tend to wonder what else you might be concealing." Mario Madunic

RE: document(w/key) not recognising last 16 n - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3414033 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Thanks for the follow-up. I half guessed this would be one of those problems where the exercise of putting together the evidence would reveal where the error was! Michael Kay


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