


Ant Problem with Saxon

Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3306114 Legacy Poster: Curtis (cdfisher07)

I have tried to run Saxon from Ant in Eclipse and this is the only script that I can get to work halfway. I say halfway because I cannot get it to accept the -o output flag. If you remove that argument it runs fine but the only output is to the console, and that won't do me any good. Can I use the -o flag if I am calling a template? How else can I get Saxon to produce a file besides running a .bat file for this thing? It works fine with the > redirect at the cmd prompt. Thanks, Curtis <target name="transform2"> <java classname="net.sf.saxon.Transform" fork="true"> <arg line=" -it main"/> <arg value="${xsl}/HelpIndex.xsl"/> <arg line="input=../PublishedHelpFiles/cshdat_webhelp.htm"/> <arg line="-o output.xml" /> <classpath> <pathelement path="${saxon8.jar}"/> </classpath> </java> </target>

Replies (4)

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RE: Ant Problem with Saxon - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3306157 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm not familiar with the Ant XSLT interface, but have you tried putting the -o argument before the stylesheet argument? That's where it would have to go on the command line. Michael Kay

RE: Ant Problem with Saxon - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3306219 Legacy Poster: Curtis (cdfisher07)

Thanks Michael, it worked. Is there somewhere in the documentation where command line syntax is discussed? I looked for this rule for quite some time in the help files but could not locate it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered you. Curtis

RE: Ant Problem with Saxon - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3306238 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Yes, it's here: Michael Kay

RE: Ant Problem with Saxon - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3307834 Legacy Poster: Curtis (cdfisher07)

Thanks again, I looked at the topic name of XSLT 2.0 and thought it was for generic XSLT stuff, and never clicked on it. Oh well... Curtis


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