


Problem with command line option -a

Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3296522 Legacy Poster: Martin Zuther (mzuther)

Hi! I stumbled on a problem. Saxon 8.5 tries to validate XSLT documents included in an XML document during translation (command line option -a). I chose the books.xml file from the samples directory as an example, but I have the same problem with my files: java -cp saxon8.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -v -o books_1.html samples\data\books.xml samples\styles\books.xsl works fine, while java -cp saxon8.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -a -v -o books_2.html samples\data\books.xml results in the following errors: Recoverable error on line 1 column 15 of file:/C:/Programme/Netz/Parsers/Saxon%20(new)/samples/styles/books.xsl: SXXP0003: Error reported by XML parser: Document is invalid: no grammar found. Recoverable error on line 1 column 15 of file:/C:/Programme/Netz/Parsers/Saxon%20(new)/samples/styles/books.xsl: SXXP0003: Error reported by XML parser: Document root element "xsl:transform", must match DOCTYPE root "null". The resulting files (books_1.html and books_2.html) are of course identical except for the timestamp. Saxon 8.4 does not show this behaviour on the same files. Thanks for any help (I might be offline for a couple of days, though), Martin

Replies (2)

RE: Problem with command line option -a - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3298195 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Thanks for reporting this. It's an unforseen side-effect of the changes made to the default URIResolver. I've logged the bug, and a source fix, at and I have added a test case. Michael Kay

RE: Problem with command line option -a - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3314529 Legacy Poster: Martin Zuther (mzuther)

Thanks Michael, it works flawlessly now. Sorry for having you wait on this message for so long - I just came back from my holidays... ;) Martin


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