


XQuery - Path too complex for xmlbeans

Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3137096 Legacy Poster: binuraj (binuraj)

hI , I tried to use XPath functions which gives me the folowing exception.. java.lang.RuntimeException: Path too complex for xmlbeans .. Simple queries works fine. My code segment is is given below XmlObject xobj[] = doc.selectPath("declare namespace s='http:/'"+".//s:Scenario/s:bids/s:bid/s:respondentid[contains(.,'("+201+")')]"); Here I am getting exception when I use 'contains'. I am using saxonb 8.4 jar files and it is in my classpath. I tried using Saxon SA jar files(downloaded from home page). but it gives me the same problem. Is there anyway that I can find a solutions in this problem. Thanks in advance, Binu

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RE: XQuery - Path too complex for xmlbeans - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3137155 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

This message doesn't come from Saxon, and as far as I can see you are not executing any Saxon code. I don't know what product is providing the doc.selectPath() method, but guessing from the name I would think that it only allows XPath expressions and not XQuery. If it does support XQuery, then you need a semicolon after the namespace declaration. Michael Kay

RE: XQuery - Path too complex for xmlbeans - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3173230 Legacy Poster: dntrply (piyush_mehta)

It is my understanding that XMLBeans Version 1.0.4 does not have support for Saxon. Also, the current 2.0 beta version (as of 5/26/05) of XMLBeans does not work with Saxon 8.4 - it does work with Saxon 8.1.1 - can be obtained from - However, the extent of XMLBeans integration with Saxon 8.1.1 is unclear Piyush

RE: XQuery - Path too complex for xmlbeans - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3173742 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Thanks. That info doesn't seem to agree with which says it supports Saxon 8.2 or later. However, I know nothing about XMLBeans and can't provide any advice on this, you'll have to ask on the XMLBeans site. Michael Kay


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