


Java Objects in Result trees

Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #2834222 Legacy Poster: Gunther Schadow (gschadow)

Hi Michael, would it be possible to allow Java Objects as value in Result trees? I can have such Objects as values of variables or as members of sequences, but when I put them into an XML attribute, it gets converted to a string. However, I'd like to have those Objects in intermediate XML structures to process. Of course I understand that those Objects couldn't be output as Objects in the final result documents, but in intermediate documents they could be used. Examlple: <xsl:variable name="system-io" xmlns:sys="java:java.lang.System"> <channel name="input" value="{sys:in()}"/> <channel name="output" value="{sys:out()}"/> <channel name="error" value="{sys:err()}"/> </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="blurb" xmlns:ps="" select="ps:println($system-io[@name eq 'input],'Hello World')"/> thanks, -Gunther

Replies (1)

RE: Java Objects in Result trees - Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #2834361 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The tree construction model in both XSLT and XQuery is that you can only get a typed value for an element or attribute by first constructing the string value and then putting it through validation. So I think your idea would significantly upset this model. As it happens, Saxon currently always stores the string value or a node plus the type annotation, rather than storing the typed value. That could be changed (and might change), but it doesn't alter the construction semantics. Michael Kay


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