


URI/Entity Resolver Not Called?

Added by Michael Livingston over 11 years ago

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get my URI or Entity resolver to be called for a file included as an external entity file. Here is a fragment of the stylesheet:



My goal is to resolve dynamic.ent at runtime, setting various entities as needed. I have set the URI resolver on the transformer factory and tried a number of other angles, but when I try to get the transformer my resolver is not hit and the call fails trying to find the "file" dynamic.ent.

What must I do to get the XML parser to hit my resolver?

Thanks in advance,


Replies (2)

RE: URI/Entity Resolver Not Called? - Added by Michael Kay over 11 years ago

The URIResolver is used by the XSLT/XQuery engine to resolve URIs found at that level of the system; entity references within a document are handled by the XML parser, and use an EntityResolver.

So you need an EntityResolver here. Create an XMLReader, set the EntityResolver, wrap it in a SAXSource, and supply this as the input to the transformation (in this case, when creating the Templates object, assuming you are using JAXP).

RE: URI/Entity Resolver Not Called? - Added by Michael Livingston over 11 years ago

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the quick reply! It took me a little while to implement your suggestion but it work great and I am on my way. I did get quite a bit of insight in to how the documents are managed: I have quite a few imports and includes and see how they are handled individually.

Again, thanks for you help...



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