


Saxon pollutes error logs upon Java exceptions

Added by Nikolay Ognyanov over 11 years ago

The following was observed with Saxon-PE but probably applies to other versions too.

We use extensively calls to Java methods from XQuery scripts. At times it happens that Java code identifies exceptional conditions and throws an exception in order to abort the XQuery script. That exception is further caught and processed in the piece of our Java code which invoked the Saxon API. Everything works as planned except for the fact that Saxon considers the exception to be an error and pollutes our error logs with messages of the following kind:

Error on line 382 of aaaa:/: Exception in extension function

This does not seem to be correct behavior. The decision as to whether or not an error message needs to be printed out/logged should be owned by the Java code which invokes the Saxon API and not by the API itself. In the case of execution from the command line the invoking Java code is ultimately the main method of net.sf.saxon.Query and it should take care of the issue. So can this print out please be removed from the XQuery interpreter/API? The message as such can be carried around by the SaxonApiException which is thrown in such cases.

Replies (2)

RE: Saxon pollutes error logs upon Java exceptions - Added by Michael Kay over 11 years ago

This message is written by the StandardErrorListener, which is the default ErrorListener. You can substitute your own ErrorListener that does something which is more to your taste (method XQueryEvaluator.setErrorListener). Alternatively, you can redirect the output of the StandardErrorListener to a different destination (by default it goes to System.err).

I guess Saxon's design in this area can be traced back to the JAXP APIs, which require errors to be notified to an ErrorListener. Indeed, the ErrorListener interface is the one defined by JAXP. We could have chosen to do it differently when we designed the s9api interface, but the existing model seemed to work well enough. The introduction of try/catch in 3.0 is putting it under a little bit of strain, so perhaps it's time for a review, but it will be hard to please everyone, and any change is likely to be very disruptive to existing applications. Arguably the ErrorListener is more suited for an environment in which errors are recoverable, which was perhaps the thinking of the JAXP designers; or perhaps they were simply copying the SAX design which is designed to report multiple errors during XML parsing and validation.

RE: Saxon pollutes error logs upon Java exceptions - Added by Nikolay Ognyanov over 11 years ago

Thank you for the detailed explanation. My objection however is not to the path that the message follows but to the validity of the message as such. I do not see the situation which I describe as an error in the API or in the script which it is executing. This is why I feel that the API should not own the situation to the degree of crying out loud about it. It may possibly be argued that the situation is in a sort of twilight zone from the standpoint of ownership and if this is your position then it will prevail for obvious :) reasons. In such case please at least bear in mind the existence of different positions if/when the time comes for redesign.


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