


Static error in query: Exception in ModuleURI

Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Legacy ID: #10645881 Legacy Poster: ggdepaz (ggdepaz)

Hi, I'm trying to pass one parameter by command line & executing one xquery, but one error is shown, here is the command introduced, the parameter has been called as arg1: query -q:FINAL_cruces_2_0_1.xq -p:on -o:FINAL.XML -t arg1="0037050-801" here is the xquery: xquery version "1.0"; declare variable $arg1 external; <appcf_upd> { for $PNR in doc("PNR_REP.xml")/dataroot/PNR_REP/EQPN where $PNR=$arg1 return $PNR/text() } </appcf_upd> & the xml <PNR_REP> 0037020-801 </PNR_REP> <PNR_REP> 0037050-801 </PNR_REP> Error: Saxon-HE from Saxonica .NET 2.0.50727.1433 on Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Analyzing query from FINAL_cruces_2_0_1.xq Static error in query: Exception in ModuleURIResolver: What is happening?

Replies (3)

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RE: Static error in query: Exception in ModuleURI - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Legacy ID: #10645934 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea! It's a very strange one. Presumably you are running from the command line, and without an "import module" it's hard to see where the ModuleURIResolver comes into it. Do you get the problem when you run any query? Is it specific to queries that specify an argument on the command line? Is there anything unusual about the file from which the query comes?

RE: Static error in query: Exception in ModuleURI - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Legacy ID: #10645941 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Does the problem go away if you remove the -p option from the command line?

RE: Static error in query: Exception in ModuleURI - Added by Anonymous almost 13 years ago

Legacy ID: #10646726 Legacy Poster: ggdepaz (ggdepaz)

OK, it works removing -p option. Thanks a lot


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