


How to compile Saxon for .net?

Added by Daniel Langdon over 10 years ago

This has probably been asked before, so please just point me to the relevant conversation.

I downloaded the Saxon source code for .net and I have no idea how to build it. Normally, when I download .net source code, there is a project file that I open with Visual Studio, but the file I downloaded doesn't contain one.

Here's the link that I used:

Replies (2)

RE: How to compile Saxon for .net? - Added by Michael Kay over 10 years ago

Do you actually need to build the product? Most people just work with the binary DLL.

If you do need to build it, there is an Ant build file. It's a single build file that compiles Saxon for both the Java and .NET platforms, so it has quite a few dependencies. If you choose the right built target ("hen" => Saxon-HE on .NET) you can avoid most of these, but you will still need to have a Java compiler and IKVMC installed.

Visual Studio has no support for Java or IKVMC so it's not capable of doing this build.

We don't go out of our way to make building the product easy, rather we go out of our way to make it unnecessary, unless you have very unusual requirements.

RE: How to compile Saxon for .net? - Added by Daniel Langdon over 10 years ago

Hey Mike,

Since I've been requesting help with the error handling and all the rest, I thought I might help get to the bottom of it all if I could build the source on my own machine. Otherwise, I have no reason to.

I hate to just ask for help without being willing to get my hands dirty.


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