


Transform Large Document

Added by Burak Ozkan about 10 years ago

Hi all,

I want to transfom my xml file with xsl file. I am running exe file Transform.exe -s:data.xml -xsl:data.xsl -o:data.csv, My xsl file template;


My xml file is;



I got this .csv file

I attached 3 file. Can give any solution for my problem?

Thanks all,

Replies (3)

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RE: Transform Large Document - Added by Michael Kay about 10 years ago

Since you have no JournalList element in the output, it suggests you haven't invoked template "main". I suspect you are invoking the transformation incorrectly. The arguments you need on the command line are

-it:main -xsl:data.xsl

RE: Transform Large Document - Added by Burak Ozkan about 10 years ago

Thanks Michael,

I did it with your solution so how can i do it via API?

My sample c# code is;


var schematron = new Schematron.Schematron();
schematron.Validate(xml, schema)


private bool Validate(Stream xmlstream, Stream schematronstream)
  Uri schematronxsl = new Uri(@"file:\\xsl_2.0\iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl");

  Stream schematrontransform = new Schematron.XSLTransform().Transform(schematronstream, schematronxsl);

  /// Do I need one more transform for streaming???

  Stream results = new Schematron.XSLTransform().Transform(xmlstream, schematrontransform);

  return true;


public Stream Transform(Stream xmlstream, Uri xsluri)
   Processor processor = new Processor();

   var documentbuilder = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
   documentbuilder.BaseUri = new Uri("file://c:/");
   XdmNode input = documentbuilder.Build(xmlstream);

   // Create a transformer for the stylesheet.
   var compiler = processor.NewXsltCompiler();
   compiler.ErrorList = new System.Collections.Generic.List();

   XsltTransformer transformer = compiler.Compile(xsluri).Load();

   if (compiler.ErrorList.Count != 0)
       throw new Exception("Exception loading xsl!");

   // Set the root node of the source document to be the initial context node
   transformer.InitialContextNode = input;

   // Create a serializer
   Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
   MemoryStream results = new MemoryStream();

   // Transform the source XML to System.out.

   return results;

RE: Transform Large Document - Added by Michael Kay about 10 years ago

Don't set the InitialContextItem on the Transformer. Instead, set the InitialTemplateName property to the QName of the initial template.


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