


Catching warnings during transformation

Added by Michael Koch over 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a question about catching warnings of transformation with the .net API. My library successfully runs a transformation. When a console application uses this library, the concsole window shows messages like "Recoverable error XTRE0540: Ambiguous rule match for ....", but my desktop application doesnt. How can I catch messages of the XsltTransformer.Run() method like these to log or to save? I tried the XslMessageListener, this works perfect with xsl:message. And I catched other warnings like "javax.xml.transform.TransformerCofigurationException: The child axis starting at an attribute node....", when I use the ErrorList of the XsltCompile. But I dont find a way to catch the warnings and messages during XsltTransformer.Run().

Can somebody help?

Thx and Greetz Michael

Replies (3)

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RE: Catching warnings during transformation - Added by Michael Kay over 9 years ago

At present you can only do this by digging down to the underlying Java classes. The XsltTransformer.Implementation property takes you to the net.sf.saxon.Controller object, and this has methods getErrorListener() and setErrorListener(). You can write and register an ErrorListener that implements the interface javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener, or you can get the StandardErrorListener which is currently registered, and call its setLogger() method to change the destination of messages; you could use an instance of net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardLogger initialized to write to a specified file.

I'm afraid this all involves rather low-level grubbing around the innards, but it can be done.

RE: Catching warnings during transformation - Added by Michael Koch over 9 years ago

Ahhh, okay. I supposed a solution like this, but it seems interesting. :) I think, I will try and if I am successful, I will post my solution. Thanks a lot.

RE: Catching warnings during transformation - Added by Michael Koch over 9 years ago

I just implement the Interface. I think, it is very easy.

To use the classes and interfaces, you have to reference the libraries IKVM.OpenJDK.ClassLibrary.dll and of course the saxon9.dll. First I create a class "JavaErrorClass" and implements the "ErrorListener", using javax.xml.transform.

 public class JavaErrorListener : ErrorListener
        private Logger _logger; //this is my Logger to save all messages in a SQL-Database
        private string _source; //this is the current file to transform

        public JavaErrorListener(Logger logger, string source)
            _logger = logger;
            _source = source;

        public void warning(TransformerException te)
            if (te.getException() != null)
                _logger.LogException(te.getException(), TraceEventType.Warning);
                _logger.LogMessage(string.Format("Warning for {0}: {1}", _source, te.Message), TraceEventType.Warning);

        public void fatalError(TransformerException te)
            if (te.getException() != null)
                _logger.LogException(te.getException(), TraceEventType.Error);
                _logger.LogMessage(string.Format("Error for {0}: {1}", _source, te.Message), TraceEventType.Error);

        public void error(TransformerException te)
            if (te.getException() != null)
                _logger.LogException(te.getException(), TraceEventType.Error);
                _logger.LogMessage(string.Format("Warning (JavaError) for {0}: {1}", _source, te.Message), TraceEventType.Warning);

before running the XsltTransformer, the ErrorListener of the transformer must be set.

    JavaErrorListener listener = new JavaErrorListener(Logger, sourcePath);

Thats all! And it works really fine. Thanks a lot for the advice. And for the Saxon .Net API! :) I am really impressed about the features like creating my own .Net extensions and the listeners.


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