


Question about attribute node handling in ExtensionInstructions

Added by Anna Benton over 9 years ago


I have a question about how attribute nodes are handled in ExtensionInstructions.

First the set up:

Here's my example stylesheet:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:http="" extension-element-prefixes="http" exclude-result-prefixes="xs" version="2.0">

<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="href" as="xs:anyURI" select="resolve-uri('')"/> <xsl:variable name="headers" as="attribute()"> <xsl:attribute name="Slug" select="'foo'"/> </xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="entity" as="element()"> </xsl:variable> <http:post href="{$href}" debug="true"> <xsl:sequence select="$headers"/> <xsl:sequence select="$entity"/> </http:post> </xsl:template>


When I get the attribute list in prepareAttributes() "Slug" is not included (only href and debug are). Right now I'm creating an expression in compile() for the contents of http:post and then in call() I'm iterating over the resulting sequence and determining what to do with each item like so:

    while(true) {
        Item item =;
        if(item == null) {
        if(item instanceof Orphan) {
            if(((Orphan) item).getNodeKind() == Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
               // Standalone attribute found, treat as header
        } else {
            // treat as entity, serialize out to string

My question is, is there a better way to handle standalone attributes? Ideally I'd handle them in prepareAttributes instead of processing them in call().


Replies (2)

RE: Question about attribute node handling in ExtensionInstructions - Added by Anna Benton over 9 years ago

I should have wrapped the template in a pre, doing that here to make it more readable since I can't seem to edit the original post:


And the code snippet I included:

while(true) {
    Item item =;
    if(item null) {

    if(item instanceof Orphan) {
        if(((Orphan) item).getNodeKind()  Type.ATTRIBUTE) {
           // Standalone attribute found, treat as header
    } else {
        // treat as entity, serialize out to string

RE: Question about attribute node handling in ExtensionInstructions - Added by Michael Kay over 9 years ago

It took me a while to understand the question...

The prepareAttribute() and compile() methods are static compile-time methods that essentially take the source XML representation of the stylesheet as input. In the source representation, the http:post element has two attributes, href and debug, and two child xsl:sequence instructions. It's only at run-time, when you execute these xsl:sequence instructions, that it becomes apparent that the value of $headers, and hence of the first xsl:sequence instruction, is a free-standing attribute node. So you can only process this attribute node in a run-time method, specifically in call().


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