


Saxon-PE license question

Added by Tech Writer almost 9 years ago


We recently bought several Saxon-PE licenses. Saxon will be used by a relatively small number of servers/users (x users and y servers; hence we obtained x + y discrete licenses.)

Our preferred approach is to store the component with a single license in a central repository, which will be mirrored to user/server workspaces. The number of users -- which is small -- is known and access is strictly controlled. This seems to be a standard industry model.

Is this use consistent? There is a clause in the license text which casts doubt. (Actually, we did telephone saxonica directly for confirmation before purchase, but we want to double check.)


Replies (1)

RE: Saxon-PE license question - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 9 years ago


I have forwarded your query to our commercial manager who will response to you shortly. It is better for you to email this sort of question to


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