Using output method="adaptive" with 9.7 to output array or map does not work
Added by Martin Honnen almost 9 years ago
I am using Saxon 9.7 EE and having trouble to output a map or an array using @xsl:output method="adaptive"@.
The sample XSLT stylesheets are, for a map
which gives the error
Error FOTY0013: Cannot write a function item to an XML tree Cannot write a function item to an XML tree
for an array
which outputs nothing.
Replies (2)
RE: Using output method="adaptive" with 9.7 to output array or map does not work - Added by Michael Kay almost 9 years ago
Please track this issue at
RE: Using output method="adaptive" with 9.7 to output array or map does not work - Added by Martin Honnen almost 9 years ago
It seems that @net.sf.saxon.Query@ is also having problems with outputting a @map@ or an @array@ using output method @adaptive@, when I run a simple program
xquery version "3.1"; [1, 2, 3, 4]
using @-qversion:3.1 !method=adaptive@ from the command line I get only an empty line as the output.
The same happens for a map
xquery version "3.1"; map { 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }
the output is an empty line. Method @!method=json@ produces the expected output however.
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