


Should use of "path()" function in streamable mode give a run-time exception or a compile-time error?

Added by Martin Honnen about 8 years ago

When using the XPath function @path()@ in a streamable mode, as in


Saxon (tested with Saxon-EE from the command line) gives a run-time exception

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Navigation using preceding-sibling axis is not supported from a streamed input node

which I understand and which makes sense, but I wonder whether the streamability analysis should not catch this at compile-time.

Replies (1)

RE: Should use of "path()" function in streamable mode give a run-time exception or a compile-time error? - Added by Michael Kay about 8 years ago

Good catch. In the spec the first argument of path#1 is correctly classified as operand-usage="N" (navigation) but in Saxon it has been listed as operand-usage="I" (inspection). This may be because at one stage Saxon (and indeed the spec) maintained a preceding-sibling counter for streamed nodes, which would be sufficient to make the path() function streamable.


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