


Getting "SXST0067: No transmission filter available for xsl:copy-of" when using "xsl:stream" with nested '<xsl:apply-templates select="copy-of(outermost(//p))[.//*[local-name() = $word-type]]">'

Added by Martin Honnen about 8 years ago

When trying to use @xsl:stream@ with a nested @xsl:apply-templates@ on a sequence created with @copy-of(outermost(//p))@ with a predicate @[.//*[local-name() = $word-type]]@ Saxon 9.7 EE compiles the stylesheet fine so assesses it as streamable but then gives a run-time error

Error at char 18 in xsl:apply-templates/@select on line 17 column 71 of test201607120104.xsl:
  SXST0067: No transmission filter available for xsl:copy-of
No transmission filter available for xsl:copy-of

Here is a reduced test case:


A sample input document is


The quick brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog.

1 plus 1 yields 2.

Expected output is

The quick brown fox jumps quickly over the lazy dog.

When I use a @for-each@ with a nested @apply-templates@, as in


Saxon does not give an error and gives the wanted result, therfore I think the @<xsl:apply-templates select="copy-of(outermost(//p))[.//*[local-name() = $word-type]]">@ should also work.


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