


Error in XQuery

Added by Denis Sukhoroslov over 7 years ago

Saxon 9.7.0-10

The following query:

@@ declare namespace http = ""; declare namespace rest = ""; declare namespace p = ""; declare variable $id external;

let $itr := collection("Patients")/p:Patient[p:id/@value = $id] return if ($itr) then for $ptn in $itr return (rest:response <http:response status="200"> {if ($ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:versionId/@value) then ( <http:header name="ETag" value="{$ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:versionId/@value}"/> <http:header name="Content-Location" value="/Patient/{$id}/_history/{$ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:versionId/@value}"/> ) else ( <http:header name="Content-Location" value="/Patient/{$id}"/> )} <http:header name="Last-Modified" value="{$ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:lastUpdated/@value}"/> </http:response>
</rest:response>, $ptn) else rest:response <http:response status="404" message="Patient with id={$id} was not found."/> </rest:response> @@

throws exception at compilation phase:

Syntax error on line 15 at column 30 of near {... <http:header name=} XPST0003: expected ")", found name "name"

if I comment out the line 15, or wrap the lines 14, 15 in a block like http:b...</http:b> then it does work properly. Should I rewrite the query in some other way, or this is a bug? May be there is a better way to achieve the same in XQuery?

Thanks, Denis.

Replies (3)

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RE: Error in XQuery - Added by Michael Kay over 7 years ago


then (, )

rather than

then( )

i.e. include a comma. Not a bug, it's just the way the syntax works. A sequence of element constructors with no intervening operator is not a valid expression.

In fact it's more complicated than that because @( < b)@ is a valid ValueComparison (compares with b), so the syntax error only occurs when you hit the second ">". It can be very difficult to produce good XQuery diagnostics for this kind of reason.

RE: Error in XQuery - Added by Denis Sukhoroslov over 7 years ago

Michael, thank you so much!

Yep, it does work now. I thought the '(' after 'then' is a kind of block statement, but it is a sequence opening.

Can I ask one more question? In the query above the values for $ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:versionId/@value and $ptn/p:Patient/p:meta/p:lastUpdated/@value are not empty. But the query considers the versionId value as empty and goes to the 'else' block, where it set Last-Modified value as empty as well. But the initial predicate /p:Patient[p:id/@value = $id] is resolved properly. I've attached the doc which conforms to the query.

Thanks, Denis

RE: Error in XQuery - Added by Denis Sukhoroslov over 7 years ago

Fixed. The p:Patient segment in the paths was redundant


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