Error: "declareNameSpace not found" with the EE Licence
Added by Raik Müller almost 5 years ago
Forum Eintrag Saxon
I am currently working with the Saxon Library to evaluate xPaths.
I started with the Saxon HE Version but came fast to limitations since I needed to use the “declare_namespace” Method in Python.
So I switched to the EE Version and saved the license key in “/usr/local/lib/“ + changed the path to “libsaxoneec.dylib”
The tested after the change with the same code and it still works except the same method is missing (PyXPathProcessor):
"Error: /usr/local/lib/libsaxoneec.dylib.declareNameSpace not found"
I tested the same method from the “PyXQueryProcessor” Class and there it works.
My code:
import sys
sys.path.append("/Volumes/Macintosh HDD/Benutzer/RaikMueller/libsaxon-EEC-mac-setup-v1.2.1/Saxon.C.API/python-saxon")
from saxonc import *
import saxonc
example_path = """//recordTarget[dateTime(xs:date(patientRole/patient/birthTime/@value/string-join((if(substring(.,1,5)!="") then (substring(.,1,4)) else ("1970"),if(substring(.,5,2)!="") then (substring(.,5,2)) else ("01"),if(substring(.,7,2)!="") then (substring(.,7,2)) else ("01")),"-")),xs:time(patientRole/patient/birthTime/@value/string-join((if(substring(.,9,2)!="") then (substring(.,9,2)) else ("00"),if(substring(.,11,2)!="") then (substring(.,11,2)) else ("00"),if(substring(.,13,2)!="") then (substring(.,13,2)) else ("00")),":"))) < xs:dateTime("2012-12-23T00:00:00+01:00")]"""
example_path_2 = """//recordTarget[number(substring(patientRole/patient/birthTime/@value,1,4)) < 2015]/patientRole/patient/birthTime/@value"""
with saxonc.PySaxonProcessor(license=True) as proc:
print("Test Python")
xsltproc = proc.new_xslt_processor()
xp = proc.new_xpath_processor()
xp.declare_namespace("xsi", "")
item = xp.evaluate(example_path)
Test Python Saxon/C 1.2.1 running with Saxon-EE from Saxonica Error: /usr/local/lib/libsaxoneec.dylib.declareNameSpace not found
Does anybody has an idea how to fix that problem?
Replies (3)
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RE: Error: "declareNameSpace not found" with the EE Licence - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 5 years ago
There is a bug in the XPathProcessor.cpp file in the declareNamespace method. It has incorrect method signature in the JNI. See line 254:
(jmethodID) SaxonProcessor::sxn_environ->env->GetMethodID(cppClass, "declareNamespace",
Replace with the following code:
(jmethodID) SaxonProcessor::sxn_environ->env->GetMethodID(cppClass, "declareNamespace",
Then rebuild the python library.
Raising a bug against it to commit in the next release
RE: Error: "declareNameSpace not found" with the EE Licence - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 5 years ago
Bug issue #4513 created
RE: Error: "declareNameSpace not found" with the EE Licence - Added by Raik Müller almost 5 years ago
Thank you very much. Now it works perfectly!
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