


Specify Catalogs in config file

Added by Edward Porter about 4 years ago

Is it possible to specify catalogs in a Saxon config file rather than using the -catalog option? It doesn't appear that way from the config documentation, but I thought I'd check.

Replies (2)

RE: Specify Catalogs in config file - Added by Michael Kay about 4 years ago

One of the problems with the Apache resolver is that a lot of its configuration parameters are global to a JVM (they're in static variables or Java system properties). That means we can't have different information in different Saxon Configurations if they are used concurrently. Putting the data in a Saxon Configuration file would encourage people to believe that changing one configuration would have no effect on others.

This incidentally is why we offer -catalog on the command line, but not in any API. When you run from the command line, you have the JVM all to yourself; with the API, you share it with others.

RE: Specify Catalogs in config file - Added by Edward Porter about 4 years ago

I ask with regards to running Saxon by way of MorganaXProc-IIIse. It currently doesn't handle DTD resolving (, and I was hoping there might be some way to at least have xslt steps in an Xproc pipeline run with Saxon handle resolving DTD Paths.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll have to ponder alternatives for the present.


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