XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1
Added by Ulrich Belz almost 4 years ago
I am using Saxon/C for XSLT 2.0 transformation with php on a Web server. Unfortunately it is crashing / hangs in compileFromFile:
public static function saxonTransform($xmlDocument, $parameters, $xslFilename) {
$proc = new Saxon\SaxonProcessor();
$version = $proc->version(); // returns Saxon/C 1.2.1 running with Saxon-HE from Saxonica
$xsltProc = $proc->newXsltProcessor();
// $xsltProc->setSourceFromXdmValue($xmlDocument);
$xsltProc->compileFromFile($xslFilename); // this crashes / hangs
I am using the Linux binary from the C/C++, PHP and Python Downloads page.
What can I do?
Replies (4)
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RE: XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1 - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 4 years ago
The cause of this hanging is probably due to this bug: https://saxonica.plan.io/issues/4371
The workaround is to replace the php7_saxon.cpp given in the same bug issue and rebuild the extension again.
RE: XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1 - Added by Ulrich Belz almost 4 years ago
Indeed. After patching and rebuilding it works fine. Thank you so much.
Please allow one additional question: Is it possible to use a DOMDocument as source, or do I have to go through a file or string/XdmValue?
RE: XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1 - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 4 years ago
The DOMDocument source is not supported with Saxon/C. Option currently available are file, string or XdmValue
RE: XSLT 2.0 transformation hangs with Saxon/C 1.2.1 - Added by Ulrich Belz almost 4 years ago
OK, thanks.
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