


Processing time

Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8419601 Legacy Poster: ()

We are busy evaluating Saxon EE for a project where we are converting and xml file from one format to another using xQuery. I my view the xQuery am relatively complicate and there are about 10,000 records contained in the xml File. To do the conversion (using Saxon) takes about 49 minutes on my desktop when using either the EE version or the non-EE version. My question: Should there be a mark able difference in runtime between the CE and EE version? If there are, any idea on where I might look?

Replies (1)

RE: Processing time - Added by Anonymous about 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8420003 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Saxon-EE has a more powerful optimizer which will often dramatically improve the execution time for this kind of query - it seems fairly clear from your figures that there's probably some kind of join going on, and that's usually where the Saxon-EE optimizer comes into its own. There are two possibilities why you're not seeing an improvement. One is that your query isn't using any of the coding patterns that the optimizer recognizes and can handle (for example, it might be doing a non-equijoin); the second is that although you've downloaded the Saxon-EE software, you haven't actually activated it properly, which could be because it didn't find the license file, or something like that. The easiest way to guard against the second possibility is to use something (e.g. the -val option on the command line) that requires Saxon-EE to be enabled. If it's the first possibility - the optimizer isn't recognizing any opportunities for optimization - then I'm happy to take a look at it; the only way the optimizer improves is by adding to the set of coding patterns that it recognizes and handles specially. Or I might be able to suggest a better way of writing the query.


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