


SaxonCS seems to lock output files

Added by Nick Thijssen about 2 years ago

I convert several files and this seems to work OK. However when we try to move those files from the output folder they seem to be locked. And these files remain locked until i kill my service and restart it. Am i doing something wrong?

Directory.CreateDirectory(job.InputPath + "\\backup\\");


foreach (var fileName in Directory.GetFiles(job.InputPath).Where(x => x.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
		var originalFileInfo = new FileInfo(fileName);
		var backuppath = job.InputPath + "\\backup\\" + originalFileInfo.Name;
		var originalText = File.ReadAllText(originalFileInfo.FullName);
		File.WriteAllText(backuppath, originalText, new UTF8Encoding(false));

		var fileInfo = new FileInfo(backuppath);
		// Create a Processor instance.
		Processor processor = new();

		// Load the source document
		XdmNode input = processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(new Uri(fileInfo.FullName));

		// Create a transformer for the stylesheet
		Xslt30Transformer transformer = processor.NewXsltCompiler().Compile(new Uri(job.ConversionFile)).Load30();

		// Create a serializer
		Serializer serializer = processor.NewSerializer();
		string outfile = SetOutputFileName(job.OutputPath, fileInfo.Name, job.MaintainFileName, job.UseInFileOutputPath);
		serializer.OutputFile = outfile;
		serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
		transformer.ApplyTemplates(input, serializer);


		_logger.LogInformation("Output written to {outfile}", outfile);
		output.Add(new JobResultDto
			Success = true,
			JobId = job.Id,
			Message = $"Output written to {outfile}",
			ErrorMessage = null,
			Exception = null,
			TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
	catch (Exception ex)
		_logger.LogError(ex, "Exception");
		output.Add(new JobResultDto
			Success = false,
			JobId = job.Id,
			Message = null,
			ErrorMessage = "Unhandled Exception",
			Exception = ex.ToString(),
			TimeStamp = DateTime.Now

Replies (8)

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SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh about 2 years ago

Saxonica Developer Community writes:

I convert several files and this seems to work OK. However when we try
to move those files from the output folder they seem to be locked. And
these files remain locked until i kill my service and restart it. Am i
doing something wrong?

What platform are you running on? Windows is quite aggressive about file
locking, more so than some other platforms.

Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh

What is more wonderful than the delight which the mind feels when it
knows? This delight is not for anything beyond the knowing, but is in
the act of knowing. It is the satisfaction of a primary instinct.--Mark

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Nick Thijssen about 2 years ago

It runs on a windows machine inside of a C# windows service

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago

It might be another variation of, if you can try to make sure your code closes any output file explicitly.

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago

Perhaps with

	        // Create a serializer
		Serializer serializer = processor.NewSerializer();
		string outfile = SetOutputFileName(job.OutputPath, fileInfo.Name, job.MaintainFileName, job.UseInFileOutputPath);
                var fs = File.Open(outfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
		serializer.OutputStream = fs;
                serializer.OnClose(() => { fs.Close(); });
		serializer.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
		transformer.ApplyTemplates(input, serializer);

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Nick Thijssen about 2 years ago

Yes that works perfectly! thank you!

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Nick Thijssen about 2 years ago

How would i inject a filestream if the xsl file contains a <xsl:result-document href="{$filename}">

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago

I used

transformer.ResultDocumentHandler = (href, baseUri) => { 
    var serializer = processor.NewSerializer();
    var fs = File.Open(new Uri(baseUri, href).LocalPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
    serializer.OutputStream = fs;
    serializer.OnClose(() => { fs.Close(); });
    return serializer;

in a test and someone else trying that approach in or related to the named bug entry also said that worked fine.

RE: SaxonCS seems to lock output files - Added by Nick Thijssen about 2 years ago

After some fiddling i also got that bit to work, thanks for the info!


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