Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Trevor Lawrence over 1 year ago
Hi there.
I'm performing XML Schema validation using Saxon-EE I'm using the s9api and my own InvalidityHandler
to capture errors. If a document being validated has a schema violation, then a message is always being output to the standard error stream of my application.
Is there a way to either redirect this output or else suppress it, preferably when configuring a SchemaValidator
Replies (6)
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RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Michael Kay over 1 year ago
Could you be more specific please? What message is being output to stdErr? Are messages being output related to individual invalidities, or just a single message at the end?
RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Trevor Lawrence over 1 year ago
Sorry for the confusion. There's a message for each invalidity and one at the end.
Here's an example output of what I'm talking about:
Error on line 1 column 10
FORG0001 Required attribute @Q{}requiredAttribute is missing on element <element>
Error on line 1 column 50
FORG0001 In content of element <element>: The content model does not allow element
<child3> to appear immediately after element <child1>. It must be preceded by <Q{}child2>.
Error on line 1 column 60
XQDY0027 Two validation errors were reported. First error: Required attribute
@Q{}requiredAttribute is missing on element <element>
RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Michael Kay over 1 year ago
OK, that definitely shouldn't be happening if you register your own InvalidityHandler. Can you supply a repro so we know exactly what you are doing?
RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Trevor Lawrence over 1 year ago
Michael Kay wrote in RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation:
OK, that definitely shouldn't be happening if you register your own InvalidityHandler. Can you supply a repro so we know exactly what you are doing?
Can do, once I get a moment later in the day.
RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Trevor Lawrence over 1 year ago
After eliminating some of the extraneous code I realized that it's only the final summary message that's still being output to stderr once my InvalidityHandler
is set.
Is there a way to intercept that somehow?
RE: Suppress std err output during Schema validation
Added by Michael Kay over 1 year ago
I've raised an issue regarding this message at
It's complicated because of the number of different APIs for invoking validation, including the ability to invoke validation from XSLT and XQuery (in which case any invalidity is fatal).
I agree that in the case of validation invoked from the s9api SchemaValidator, the summary message (which is sent to the Configuration's Logger; the default Logger writes to StdErr) is inappropriate.
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