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Cross compilation for the ARM Architecture
Added by Omar Rodriguez almost 9 years ago
Looking for some guidance on how to cross compile for the ARM architecture. We are using the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf tool chain for cross-compilation purposes. We are able to compile the code but not link since the is compiled for the i386 architecture. Any help in this cross-compilation will be greatly appreciated.
Replies (4)
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RE: Cross compilation for the ARM Architecture - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 9 years ago
Due to the dependency on Excelsior Jet, Saxon/C is designed to work on x86 architecture, but they plan to release Excelsior JET with Linux/ARMv7 support at 3Q'16.
You can find their roadmap at:
You could try doing the cross compiling yourself but it is not supported.
RE: Cross compilation for the ARM Architecture - Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
Thought you might be interested to know Excelsior Jet have now released a new version for Linux/ARMv7. See:
RE: Cross compilation for the ARM Architecture - Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 5 years ago
This forum post has not been updated in a while but I thought to add to this discuss that we now have the release of Excelsior Jet embedded systems such as Linux/ARM.
RE: Cross compilation for the ARM Architecture - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 2 years ago
Support of arm architecture on linux and Mac OS is now available in SaxonC 12.2. See:
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