


License for Saxon-HE as PHP extension in Docker

Added by Alf Eaton about 7 years ago

I've created a Docker image containing Saxon-HE compiled as a PHP extension, so it's available for use in PHP applications that use this base image.

Are there any licensing requirements when distributing Saxon-HE in this way?

Replies (3)

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RE: License for Saxon-HE as PHP extension in Docker - Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 7 years ago

The open-source Saxon-HE/C product is offered under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. See:

Also see:!conditions

RE: License for Saxon-HE as PHP extension in Docker - Added by Michael Kay about 7 years ago

You should read the conditions that O'Neil pointed to, but if they send you to sleep, the only real constraints are (a) that you should publish the various legal notices relating to third party open source components, and (b) you should avoid inappropriate use of the names of those components or their authors.

RE: License for Saxon-HE as PHP extension in Docker - Added by Alf Eaton about 7 years ago

Thanks O'Neil and Michael. I've added a link to the Saxon/C source code, which if I've understood correctly is the main requirement of the license (according to "Q8 of the MPL FAQ":


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