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Some oddities with output from saxonc.PySaxonProcessor.version
Added by Martin Honnen over 5 years ago
I have found some oddities of the output of saxonc.PySaxonProcessor.version
, when I run the HE version it outputs
Saxon/C 1.2.0 running with Saxon-HE from Saxonica
when I run the EE version it outputs
Saxon/C 1.2.0 running with Saxon-HE from Saxonica
when run in the example
(from the installation dir C:\Program Files\Saxonica\SaxonEEC1.2.0\Saxon.C.API\python-saxon
) and
Saxon/C 1.2.0 running with Saxon-EE from Saxonica
when run in the example
Why does HE output Saxon-HE
with the final J
but EE outputs Saxon-HE
or Saxon-EE
with the final C
I understand that the
uses saxonc.PySaxonProcessor(license=False)
so it will run as HE even when called with a EE compiled module but what does the C
indicate in the EE use versus the J
in the HE use?
Replies (2)
RE: Some oddities with output from saxonc.PySaxonProcessor.version
Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 5 years ago
Yes this is odd. Under HE the correct Platform method is somehow not been called. This should a simple fix in the Java underlying code.
RE: Some oddities with output from saxonc.PySaxonProcessor.version
Added by O'Neil Delpratt over 5 years ago
Created the bug issue #4355 to keep track of its progress.
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