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repeatedly calling run_query_to_string seems to return the result of the first call
Added by Martin Honnen about 5 years ago
Using Saxon HEC 1.2.1 I wrote the following sample Python program:
import saxonc
with saxonc.PySaxonProcessor() as proc:
xml = '''<root>
input_xml = proc.parse_xml(xml_text = xml)
xquery_processor = proc.new_xquery_processor()
xquery_processor.set_context(xdm_item = input_xml)
for query in ['.', 'count(//*)', '(1 to 10) ! ("Example " || .)']:
print(xquery_processor.run_query_to_string(query_text = query))
The output I get is
Saxon/C 1.2.1 running with Saxon-HE from Saxonica
so it seems the first query is executed three times or the second and third query execution return the result of the first execution.
Is that meant to work that way? Do I have to reset the processor somehow?
Creating a new PyXQueryProcessor for each call works:
for query in ['.', 'count(//*)', '(1 to 10) ! ("Example " || .)']:
xquery_processor = proc.new_xquery_processor()
xquery_processor.set_context(xdm_item = input_xml)
print(xquery_processor.run_query_to_string(query_text = query))
Replies (1)
RE: repeatedly calling run_query_to_string seems to return the result of the first call
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 5 years ago
This is a bug. I have created the following bug issue:
I will get a fix out ASAP.
A workaround would be to call clearProperties() before updating new values.
The following should work:
xquery_processor = proc.new_xquery_processor()
for query in ['.', 'count(//*)', '(1 to 10) ! ("Example " || .)']:
xquery_processor.set_context(xdm_item = input_xml)
print(xquery_processor.run_query_to_string(query_text = query))
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