


build[Edition]-command.bat for Windows have links to 1.2.1 directory

Added by Martin Honnen about 3 years ago

I needed to fix the buildeec-command.bat for SaxonC 11.1 EE to reference

set jdkdir=C:\Program Files\Saxonica\SaxonC EE 11.1\Saxon.C.API\jni

it was linking to the 1.2.1 directory.

Replies (3)

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RE: build[Edition]-command.bat for Windows have links to 1.2.1 directory - Added by Martin Honnen about 3 years ago

I will attach the corrected build[edition]c-command.bat files I have used in the meantime to successfully build SaxonC 11.1 command tools on Windows:

set jdkdir=C:\Program Files\Saxonica\SaxonC HE 11.1\Saxon.C.API\jni

cl /EHsc "-I%jdkdir%" "-I%jdkdir%\win32" /DHEC Transform.c
cl /EHsc "-I%jdkdir%" "-I%jdkdir%\win32" /DHEC Query.c

RE: build[Edition]-command.bat for Windows have links to 1.2.1 directory - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 3 years ago

Thank you Martin for reporting this issue. Bug issues created here: #5291

RE: build[Edition]-command.bat for Windows have links to 1.2.1 directory - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 3 years ago

I have decided to make the JNI path relative so that we don't trip up with the version number issue again.


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