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Returning an XDM map from XQuery works but from XPath seems to fail with Python API of SaxonC 11.1
Added by Martin Honnen about 3 years ago
I am trying a simple example to return an XDM map as a result of an XPath evaluation from SaxonC 11.1 using Python:
from saxonc import *
with PySaxonProcessor(license=False) as proc:
print("Test SaxonC on Python")
xpath_processor = proc.new_xpath_processor()
result = xpath_processor.evaluate('map { "value" : 1, "cat": "test", "check" : false() }')
if result is None and xpath_processor.exception_occurred:
print(isinstance(result, PyXdmValue))
result1 = result.head
print(isinstance(result1, PyXdmItem))
print(isinstance(result1, PyXdmMap))
I don't get an error but I fail to get a PyXdmMap:
Test SaxonC on Python
SaxonC-HE 11.1 from Saxonica
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documents\xslt\blog-xslt-3-by-example\saxonc-11.1-python\arrays-and-maps\", line 22, in <module>
TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type NoneType)
A similar XQuery evaluation does return a PyXdmMap, it seems (even if it fails to output a string value of a map) as
from saxonc import *
with PySaxonProcessor(license=False) as proc:
print("Test SaxonC on Python")
xquery_processor = proc.new_xquery_processor()
result = xquery_processor.run_query_to_value(query_text = 'map { "value" : 1, "cat": "test", "check" : false() }')
if result is None and xquery_processor.exception_occurred:
print(isinstance(result, PyXdmValue))
result1 = result.head
print(isinstance(result1, PyXdmItem))
print(isinstance(result1, PyXdmMap))
Test SaxonC on Python
SaxonC-HE 11.1 from Saxonica
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\marti\OneDrive\Documents\xslt\blog-xslt-3-by-example\saxonc-11.1-python\arrays-and-maps\", line 22, in <module>
TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type NoneType)
Any hints? Or is that not completely implemented for XPath?
Replies (2)
RE: Returning an XDM map from XQuery works but from XPath seems to fail with Python API of SaxonC 11.1
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 3 years ago
Thanks for reporting the issues you have found with the XdmMap. I will use the following bug issue to keep track: #5298
RE: Returning an XDM map from XQuery works but from XPath seems to fail with Python API of SaxonC 11.1
Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 3 years ago
The Underlying C++ API for XPathProcessor is wrong. We check for instance of XdmFunctionItem before checking the subclasses first: i.e. XdmMap and XdmArray. The XQueryProcessor has the correct logic.
The other failure is the toString method for XdmMap across all processors.
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