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Need some help to explain/fix read access violation in C++ code using SaxonC 11.2
Added by Martin Honnen almost 3 years ago
I have tried to integrate SaxonC HE 11.2 into an Notepad++ plugin but get nowhere, any attempt to create Saxon seems to end up with an access violation.
The code to use the SaxonC in the plugin does SaxonProcessor* saxonProc = new SaxonProcessor();
and I get a read access violation in SaxonCGlue.c on line 252 in the function lookForClass
on the statement jclass clazz = (*penv)->FindClass(penv, name);
where name
is shown as 0x00007fffef06c180 "net/sf/saxon/Version"
and penv
is shown as 0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd {???}
in the debugger although the error message says:
Exception thrown: read access violation.
**penv** was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
I am kind of lost why that is happening, simple console C++ programs using e.g. SaxonProcessor* saxonProc = new SaxonProcessor()
work fine.
Replies (2)
RE: Need some help to explain/fix read access violation in C++ code using SaxonC 11.2 - Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 3 years ago
Thanks for reporting the issue you have found. I have not used the Notepad++ with C++ before, but will investigate it further.
RE: Need some help to explain/fix read access violation in C++ code using SaxonC 11.2 - Added by Martin Honnen almost 3 years ago
It seems unrelated to Notepad++, in the end even a console app crashes after new SaxonProcessor() without argument, see Will need to test with the new 11.3 release.
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