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Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by E L about 2 years ago
I have understood that efforts are underway achieving a build of Saxon-C through GraalVM, as a successor to the defunct and closed Excelsior JET.
Where may I find information about plans and progress to date?
Replies (5)
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RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
We're on the home straight towards getting this release out. How long it takes depends on progress in the final testing phase, for example we're struggling with a thorny multithreading issue right now, and it's impossible to predict whether it will take an hour or a week to resolve; equally it's impossible to predict what other issues we will find as we run more tests. We never set dates for a release, we wait till the tests are passing. We're optimistic it will be out before the end of 2022, but I've been wrong before now.
RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by E L about 2 years ago
Michael Kay wrote in RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM:
We're on the home straight towards getting this release out. How long it takes depends on progress in the final testing phase, for example we're struggling with a thorny multithreading issue right now, and it's impossible to predict whether it will take an hour or a week to resolve; equally it's impossible to predict what other issues we will find as we run more tests. We never set dates for a release, we wait till the tests are passing. We're optimistic it will be out before the end of 2022, but I've been wrong before now.
I completely understand that the migration is still unsuitable for deployment, but I would be happy for any information, even if subject to change. At present, I simply seek as good as possible an understanding of how the tool chain is being integrated. Are you able to supply some brief representation of the build process, even if it is not producing fully working builds, or none at all?
RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by Martin Honnen about 2 years ago
Still on track/optimistic to release SaxonC 12 this year (I suppose that means before the holiday season)?
RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by Michael Kay about 2 years ago
I tend towards the optimistic view. If we don't hit any unexpected obstacles then we might make it. But when did we last make a release without hitting unexpected obstacles?
RE: Saxon-C through GraalVM
Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh about 2 years ago
Saxonica Developer Community writes:
I tend towards the optimistic view. If we don't hit any unexpected
obstacles then we might make it. But when did we last make a release
without hitting unexpected obstacles?
Pay no attention to the (effective) release manager whimpering in the
background. I’m sure it’ll all be fine 🤣
Be seeing you,
Norm Tovey-Walsh
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