


Does SaxonC and PyXPathProcessor provide some API to evaluate XPath expressions and serialize the result according to serialization properties set with set_property

Added by Martin Honnen about 1 year ago says:

set_property(self, name, value)
Set a property specific to the processor in use.
    name (str): The name of the property
    value (str): The value of the property
    PyXPathProcessor: set serialization properties (names start with '!' i.e. name "!method" -> "xml")
    'resources': directory to find Saxon data files,
    's': source as file name,
    'extc': Register native library to be used with extension functions

So to me "PyXPathProcessor: set serialization properties (names start with '!' i.e. name "!method" -> "xml")" suggests PyXPathProcessor does allow setting serialization properties to be applied when serializing XPath evaluation (results).

But is there any method where I can evaluate an XPath expression and serialize the result to a string? I only find and which return a PyXdmValue or a PyXdmItem but do not serialize to a file or string.

So why does the documentation of set_property mention serialization properties, how/when would they be applied if set?

Replies (5)

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Does SaxonC and PyXPathProcessor provide some API to evaluate XPath expressions and serialize the result according to serialization properties set with set_property - Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh about 1 year ago

So why does the documentation of set_property mention serialization
properties, how/when would they be applied if set?

Hi Martin,

The best person to answer this question is going to be O’Neil, but he’s
on leave for a few days. Apologies for the delay.

Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

RE: Does SaxonC and PyXPathProcessor provide some API to evaluate XPath expressions and serialize the result according to serialization properties set with set_property - Added by O'Neil Delpratt about 1 year ago

The setting of the serialization properties on the PyXPathProcessor is not supported. I will raise a bug against the documentation.


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