Licence Saxon-JS
Added by Andreas Tai over 8 years ago
As I understand the terms and condition of Saxon-JS, you need a licence of Saxon EE to compile the XSLT that then can be interpreted by Saxon-JS. The Licence to distribute Saxon-JS with this compiled XSLT is somehow part of Saxon EE. Although I checked the provided links I can not find the part in the Saxon EE licence text that allows this use of Saxon-JS. It would be good to have a pointer to the sections that covers this usage of Saxon-JS together with an XSLT (compiled with a licensed Saxon EE edition).
Replies (2)
RE: Licence Saxon-JS
Added by Michael Kay over 8 years ago
Yes, you are right, updating the published Saxon-EE license to make this explicit is on our TODO list.
RE: Licence Saxon-JS
Added by Andreas Tai over 8 years ago
Thanks, for the quick answer! Good to know that we haven't overseen anything!
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