Problem with using || operator on a mixture of nodes and strings
Added by Martin Honnen almost 8 years ago
I have run into various problems with Saxon-JS when trying to use some XPath 3.1 features, when I have a simple XPath expression
cities/city!(@country || ', ' || @name)
and execute that against an XML input (taken from the XSLT 3.0 spec)
I don't get the expected sequence of string values but rather a sequence of @"[object Object], [object Object]"@ respectively on the Javascript side an array of
"[object Object], [object Object]",
"[object Object], [object Object]",
"[object Object], [object Object]",
"[object Object], [object Object]",
"[object Object], [object Object]",
"[object Object], [object Object]"
An online sample is at
The complete, original code I have is at, this does not work at all but throws an exception
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4154) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4314) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4314) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:29213) at ya (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4421) at ia (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:8403) at la (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:9639) at Object.evaluate (SaxonJS.min.js:7) at grouping-with-xpath31-maps3.html:25 at XMLHttpRequest.req.onload (grouping-with-xpath31-maps3.html:12)
I am not sure whether that is solely because of the problem with @||@ or whether there are other problems involved but the exception seems a bug in Saxon-JS as well as the code
let $comp-key := function($city) { $city/@country || ', ' || $city/@name } return for $key in cities/city!$comp-key(.)=>distinct-values() return let $group := cities/city[$key = $comp-key(.)] return map { $key : avg($group/@pop) }
works fine when run with Saxon Java.
Replies (3)
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RE: Problem with using || operator on a mixture of nodes and strings and with anonymous function
Added by Martin Honnen almost 8 years ago
It seems the exception in the second document is caused by the use of an anonymous function, as with which solely does
let $comp-key := function($city) { concat($city/@country, ', ', $city/@name) } return cities/city!$comp-key(.)
the exception already occurs, without using @||@ or maps.
Here is the trace I get in Chrome:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4154) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4314) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4314) at Ea (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:29213) at ya (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :5:4421) at ia (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:8403) at la (eval at load (SaxonJS.min.js:7), :4:9639) at Object.evaluate (SaxonJS.min.js:7) at let-fun-return-seqt1.html:25 at XMLHttpRequest.req.onload (let-fun-return-seqt1.html:12)
Firefox also fails, though with a slightly different error:
TypeError: cc is undefined[Learn More] SaxonJS.min.js%20line%207%20%3E%20eval:5:4150 Ea Ea Ea Ea ya ia la SaxonJS load/req.onload
IE and Edge also give similar errors.
RE: Problem with using || operator on a mixture of nodes and strings
Added by Michael Kay almost 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. Saxon-JS doesn't support the higher order function option (including inline functions, dynamic calls, etc), and we are working on detecting the error at export time if you export a stylesheet with target:JS.
Longer term I would love to support HOF in Saxon-JS, but that will have to wait a bit.
RE: Problem with using || operator on a mixture of nodes and strings
Added by John Lumley almost 8 years ago
Please follow progress on this issue in
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