


Is it safe to use fn:transform from SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate on Node?

Added by Martin Honnen almost 4 years ago

I was wondering whether it is safe to use fn:transform in Node.js code in a call to SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate. Any result documents should end up in the map that fn:transform returns, I think. Or is there any way a stylesheet could write to the local file system where Node is run?

Replies (1)

RE: Is it safe to use fn:transform from SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate on Node? - Added by Michael Kay almost 4 years ago

It should work in principle, though combinations like this have caused us considerable headaches in practice.

If the post-process option of fn:transform() is set to a function that has side-effects, then it could indeed write to the local file system.


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