Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
The documentation of Saxon-JS 2.3 mentions an object stylesheetInternal
supposed to represent a
property contains the stylesheet; the initial structure is the result of JSON parsing of the stylesheet export file, but it will also contain additional properties used to speed up execution. Many of these properties are computed on the first occasion that a particular expression in the stylesheet is evaluated. The tree that is returned on completion of one transformation can be used when initiating subsequent transformations, enabling these to execute with less start-up overhead
i.e. a representation of the stylesheet that can be cached and reused.
However, I am having a hard time to find out how to access that object with some meaningful value in the first place, for me the result
object from a transform
call always has a property of that name but always with the value undefined
Test case:
Am I supposed to load the sef.json as a resource to pass that on on the first call? I rather thought that the first call takes the sef.json and then populates result.stylesheetInternal
to allow me to cache it and then reuse it on further calls.
Replies (7)
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RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Richard Tweeddale over 3 years ago
The question I've just posted ( includes a working example of using stylesheetInternal
returned from SaxonJS.transform
. I've been playing around with it, and I've never seen it have a value of undefined
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
Thanks for the pointer, I will need to check whether sync versus async use or browser versus server-side Saxon-JS makes the difference between your test and mine.
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Richard Tweeddale over 3 years ago
Reading the primed stylesheet this way is blisteringly fast compared to compiling it afresh each time :)
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
Reading the primed stylesheet this way is blisteringly fast compared to compiling it afresh each time :)
To be honest, we exposed it in the hope and gut feeling that someone might find it useful, without having worked through all the implications in advance.
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
I've also been wondering whether a similar approach in SaxonJ might turn out to be a lot more effective than bytecode generation.
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Martin Honnen over 3 years ago
So the difference seems to be asynchronous versus synchronous processing, at with synchronous processing the returned result has a populated stylesheetInternal
property, with asynchronous processing (at not.
Anyone of the Saxon-JS implementors: is that expected?
RE: Is there any sample on how to use stylesheetInternal?
Added by Debbie Lockett almost 3 years ago
Sorry for the delay, but I belatedly added this issue as a bug: Bug #5471: Results object from asynchronous SaxonJS.transform does not contain stylesheetInternal. The fix to include stylesheetInternal
in the result from asynchronous transforms will be in the next maintenance release.
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