


Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT without it being declared?

Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago

I noticed that Saxon-JS doesn't require me to declare the function namespace with prefix fn but nevertheless allows me to call e.g. fn:substring('foo', 1, 1) or other function from XPath and XSLT using the prefix fn.

I wonder whether that is spec compliant, the XSLT 3 spec doesn't predefine fn, I think, and Saxon Java certainly in XSLT requires me to declare e.g. xmlns:fn="..." to be able to use it.

Replies (3)

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RE: Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT without it being declared? - Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago

To explain in more detail, when I run a file like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

  <xsl:template match="/" name="xsl:initial-template">
    <xsl:comment>Run with {system-property('xsl:product-name')} {system-property('xsl:product-version')} {system-property('Q{}platform')}</xsl:comment>

through SaxonCS or Saxon Java (-it -xsl:fn-test1.xsl) I get an error message like Error at on line 11 column 6 of fn-test1.xsl: XPST0081 Namespace prefix 'fn' has not been declared while running it with xslt3 -it -xsl:fn-test1.xsl through SaxonJS outputs the result of the transformation e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Run with Saxon-JS 2.3 Node.js--><test>2022-05-26T08:59:56.704+02:00</test>.

RE: Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT without it being declared? - Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago

I guess the "support" for the fn namespace without declaration in SaxonJS might result from running the XSLT with SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate through fn:transform and for XPath.evaluate the documentation states about the namespaceContext: "For convenience the usual namespaces for prefixes xml, fn, xs, map, array, math, and saxon are defined by default, but can be overwritten.".

RE: Is Saxon-JS right by knowing the prefix `fn` in XSLT without it being declared? - Added by Norm Tovey-Walsh over 2 years ago

I guess the "support" for the fn namespace without declaration in
SaxonJS might result from running the XSLT with SaxonJS.XPath.evaluate
through fn:transform and for XPath.evaluate the documentation states
about the namespaceContext: "For convenience the usual namespaces for
prefixes xml, fn, xs, map, array, math, and saxon are defined by
default, but can be

I think that’s a bug,

Thank you!

Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh


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