Support #1378
closedContext reset by xsl:call-template in Saxon 8.3
SourceForge user: dpirkle
I’ve found a case where a call to xsl:call-template
causes the current context to be reset. I use xsl:for-
each to set the context to the top-level element, and
then call a template. In the template, the context gets
reset to the document node. You can see the problem
by running context1.xsl on context.xml. The second
xsl:message should show the name of the top-level
element (TopLevel), but instead shows a blank. Also,
nothing is seen when viewing the HTML.
Strangely enough, if I move the first xsl:message down
a couple of lines, everything works OK - the context is
not reset. You can see this by running context2.xsl on
context.xml. The second xsl:message shows the name
of the top-level element, and when you view the HTML
you see a “Hello”.
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