Support #1915
closedTest case for Saxon XSLT Performance comparison
This test case for XSLT shows a significant difference in performance for different Saxon versions
so I thought it might be of interest. On Saxon the test runs 90 time faster than for Saxon
I just ran the XSLT from the command line (in Windows 8) as follows:
java -cp "J:\SaxonPE9-4-0-9J\saxon9pe.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -t -xsl:xquery2xml.xsl -s:input-file1.xml -o:output/result.xml
Performance results are summarised below:
Version: Time (ms)
SaxonPE9-3-0-11J 1899939
SaxonPE9-4-0-9J 2857
SaxonPE9-5-1-2J 2106
This is a non-typical test case in that the XSLT stylesheet functions as a lexer for XQuery code.
The input is initially processed as a sequence of unicode codepoints, but a lengthy regular
expression is used later to tokenize text that is not within XQuery comments or string-literals.
There's also a lot of tail-recursion going on.
Updated by Michael Kay about 11 years ago
Thanks for supplying it. We're more used to getting such things when the change is the other way! We could do with a much more comprehensive set of regression tests for performance than we currently use.
Updated by Debbie Lockett over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Debbie Lockett
Test case added to the XT-Speedo benchmark test catalog.
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