I have tried to reproduce the problem and what I have noticed is that there are different behaviors when running the transformation with different Saxon distributions (EE, PE). I have tested in the command line.
When I run the transformation with Saxon PE the output is empty and there are no errors reported. With Saxon EE I get 2 compilation errors:
d:\workspace\eXml>java -cp lib\saxon9ee.jar;lib\notDistributed\saxon-license.lic net.sf.saxon.Transform
-s:samples/personal.xml -xsl:saxon.fallback.bug.xsl -config:saxonConf.xml
Error on line 23 of saxon.fallback.bug.xsl:
XPTY0020: Leading '/' cannot select the root node of the tree containing the context item:
the context item is an atomic value
Error on line 23 of saxon.fallback.bug.xsl:
XPTY0020: Leading '/' cannot select the root node of the tree containing the context item:
the context item is an atomic value
Failed to compile stylesheet. 1 error detected.
To select a different Saxon distribution I have used a configuration file like this:
From the command line I have used the Saxon version, the same version that is bundled with oXygen 15.1 version. The transformation result was the same when I executed the transformation from the command line or from oXygen with the same Saxon distribution.
I hope this helps in identifying the issue.
Radu Pisoi
XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger