Bug #2285
closedSaxon.Api documentation: Links to Java classes don't resolve
Some of the links to classes (in Java ) don't resolve. For example, in the page for XsltTransformer, the Property summary includes a number of properties of Saxon-defined types such as QName, XdmNode, IMessageListener; these are rendered as hyperlinks but don't resolve properly.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt about 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from O'Neil Delpratt to Debbie Lockett
- Applies to branch 9.6, 9.7 added
Updated by Debbie Lockett about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Fix Committed on Branch 9.7 added
As well as the problem raised in the initial bug, a number of other long-standing issues with the .NET Saxon.Api documentation (many present in the documentation at least from 9.5) have been addressed:
Various fixes for ‘type’ links - e.g. resolve ‘J’ classnames to get actual Java class name (e.g. return type JReceiver of DomDestination GetReceiver method)
Add various missing comments - e.g. comments containing lists (e.g. Xslt30Transformer), comments with markup mistakes
Add missing method/constructor parameters (e.g. XPathCompiler GetNamespaceURI method) - these occur when there is no documentation for the params, see the warnings produced by tohtml.xsl
Add missing methods and properties of interfaces - e.g. IXmlLocation, IResultDocumentHandler
Fix errors for parameters with complex types (e.g. Xslt30Transformer SetStylesheetParameters method)
Fix errors for return types with complex types (e.g. XsltExecutable GetGlobalParameters method)
Add missing exceptions information (e.g. XPathCompiler Compile method, XsltTransformer Run method)
Add more tree structure for nested classes (e.g. XPathExecutable.ParameterDetails), and ‘Nested Classes’ info
Remove ‘internal’ classes from documentation (e.g. DotNetObjectModelDefinition, WrappedExtensionFunctionDefinition)
Add NamespaceConstant class
Add ‘Direct known subclasses’ and ‘All known implementing interfaces’ info (see bug #1821)
Additionally, for the HTML version:
- Add protected classes (e.g. DotNetModuleURIResolver)
Committed to 9.7 (i.e. Saxon.Net in development branch, and build97)
Updated by Debbie Lockett almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
A few more minor updates have been made, so all issues I'm aware of are now fixed.
The 9.7 documentation will be updated with the .NET release at the next maintenance release.
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt almost 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Fixed in Maintenance Release added
Bug fix applied in the Saxon maintenance release
Updated by O'Neil Delpratt over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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